Monday, October 6, 2014

31 DAYS OF HORROR! - Day 6: What is your favourite vampire movie?

I've seen 'Interview with the Vampire' numerous times, but there was one particular day when I watched this film that will probably stay with me forever. On the morning of that day I attended my very first funeral; that of my great uncle who sadly lost his battle with leukaemia. That night my friend Michael come over as it was Friday which is movie our night. He suggested we watch Interview with the Vampire as he hadn't seen it, however I don't recall what made him think of that particular film. As we watched it, Mother Nature unleashed one of the most violent rain storms in many years. Michael and I had never seen the like of it before. My point is that I find it very interesting that after attending my first funeral I watched a film that deeply explores both life and death, during a very irregular and extreme weather event. 

Interview with the Vampire is not only my favourite vampire movie but also the saddest vampire movie I've ever seen, in which a centuries old vampire named Louis, recounts and reflects on his life to an oblivious journalist. He tells of his maker and companion named Lestat, who loves everything about being a vampire, he does what he pleases and is bound by nothing. Whereas Louis is very unique amongst the undead as he is a vampire who has kept his humanity, still valuing human life and viewing eternal life more as burden rather than a dark blessing. The story we are given is a realistic depiction of immortality, most importantly its price. It's an equally beautiful and sad journey, literally across the world. The production design and cinematography alone make 'Interview with the Vampire' worth seeing.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm not even much for vampire movies, but I have to say I loved Interview with the Vampire.
